The #30DayMapChallenge is a social media based mapmaking challenge. Each November, participants from all over the world create new and original maps every day for 30 days, where each day has a unique theme.
This year was my second time participating and I again posted a map on time every day.*
*One of them was half finished and two of them I reused.

Via Topi Tjukanov
Day 1: Points

Day 2: Lines

Day 3: Polygons

Day 4: A bad map

Day 5: Analog

The craft I tried to make didn't work out so I reposted my 2022 map.
Day 6: Asia

Day 7: Navigation

Day 8: Africa

Day 9: Hexagons

Day 10: North America

Day 11: Retro

Day 12: South America

Day 13: Choropleth

Day 14: Europe

Day 15: OpenStreetMap

Day 16: Oceania

Day 17: Flow

Didn't finish this one, had a flight that day.
Day 18: Atmosphere

Day 19: 5 minute map

Day 20: Outdoors

Day 21: Raster

Day 22: North is not always up

Day 23: 3D

Day 24: Black & white

Day 25: Antarctica

Day 26: Minimal

Reposted my classic joke map from 2022.
Day 27: Dot

Day 28: Is this a chart or a map?

Day 29: Population

Day 30: "My favorite..."